Tebella & Me!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

On Wednesday, I finally got to see my long lost soul mate Tebogo, Tebella, Tebienna! 

Of all the wonderful things that I found in Cape Town, she is one of my most treasured finds.

We're proof that friendship can sprout from anywhere, even the U.C.T bathroom! 

My philosophy friend, my friend who remembers my favourite quote, my friend who remembers my birthday without Facebook (!), my friend who understand the magic of sushi and Rihanna, my friend, my friend, my friend! 

I got nothing but love for yooou!  


  1. Wow! You are both lucky.
    Part of me has given up on this kind of friendship but I'm such romantic that most of me is still holding on, so much so that I take people who don't know their movie quotes seriously (haha I'm strange.)

    Love from Jo'burg

  2. Does your Tebella have a blog situation?


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